Saturday, 22 December 2018

SLJ (Week 1, Day 3 Act.2) The Secretive Skink

The Secretive Skink
n your blog list three pros (good things)
and three cons (bad things)
about working as a DOC ranger. At the bottom of your post, tell us whether you would like to be a
DOC Ranger or not.

I found this photo on D.O.C website
Bad Things!
1.That they distribute 1080. So people don't really like them.
2.I couldn't handle being away from family working for to long I'd miss them.
3. With my horrible navigation skills I would easily get lost! 

Good Things!
1. I would love to see Wildlife I never knew we had in New Zealand
2. It would awesome to work with and saving special animals
(I love animals) 
3. Listening to sounds of birds and exploring new places (Without getting lost)  :)
Would you like to be D.O.C Ranger?

Thursday, 20 December 2018

SLJ (Week 1, Day 3 Act.1) Fantastic Beasts

Fantastic Beasts
So for this activity we had to create 
our own beast with a description
pretty straight forward really!
Here's mine...
This is called a winged wolf 
In the world of beasts it is very rare and a friendly but if you pat them without the sniffing you first and become very vicious. If you get one young and grow up with the Wolf it will become very friendly with you sorta like a pet dog! 

SLJ (Week 1, Day 2 Act.3) Weird and Wonderful

Weird and Wonderful
This activity were going back to school
were doing so maths this is what we have to 
do So imagine you are given a cactus on your birthday
everyday you need to give it 3ml of water how much would that be a year? Solve the problem and present it on your blog.
I hope it kinda makes sense 

Wednesday, 19 December 2018

SLJ (Week 1, Day 2 Act.2) Fabulous ferns

Fabulous Ferns
Us kiwi's have so many teams
which is part of this activity!
We have to find 3 sports teams
with "Fern" in it find pictures
of there uniform and pick one we like
and why! 

1. First team I can think of are the Black fern the women's Rugby team! Here's there uniform.
This photo is from
2. This one may not be known by some but I found the Football Ferns (Football : Soccer) Do you know them? I do there the NZ Women Soccer team! Here they are in their awesome uniforms.
This Photo is from
3. Okay this one is obviously known very very well the Tall Ferns Our women's basketball team with there awesome skills and cool uniform. 
This photo link is Here's the photo

Okay now my favorite uniform hmmm... Probably the Tall ferns uniform because one of my favorite sports are basketball. Do you have a favorite team?

SLJ (Week 1, Day 2 Act.1) Giants Among us

Giants Among us
For this activity we have to explain
why or why not we would like to see
the  Tāne Mahuta (A big tree) this is
why I would like to see the tree)
Image result for tāne mahuta 
I would love to see this it would be an incredible walk and experince I mean look at the photo of the Tāne Mahuta, and the amount of birds that could live there would be amazing! Would you like to take a visit to the Tāne Mahuta

SLJ (Week 1, Day 1 Act. 3) Ice, Ice Baby

Ice, Ice baby
Well this activity is a biggie 
for kids who are getting chrome
books next year! We have to
make a digital footprint using a template
on how to stay smart online! Here's mine.
(Following this can keep you out of trouble in the future) 

Tuesday, 18 December 2018

SLJ (Week 1, Day 1 Act.2) North and South

North and South
Sooo... Here we are were going
back were to? Our home towns!
For this activity we have to describe 
our home town and what special here's 
what special. 

Well were do I start? I'll start at my school. Grey Main it's special because everyone this year has been so supportive and kind and since I will be going to Grey High I would like to say thank you to my Teacher and Principle for a great 8 year and goodbye! I'll do this one because they are very important my friends. I've got to meet some incredible people who became some of my BFFs! Like my best friend Zoe and Alex. What's special to you? Family or friend or anything else.

SLJ (Week 1, Day 1 Act.1) The Legend of New Zealand

The Legend of.... New Zealand!
For the first activity we have to find our own top 3 
fact about our country NZ But.... We have to write
them in our own words. Here's my finished facts!

1. Us New Zealanders are called Kiwi's! (Not as in the Kiwi Fruit) It's actually our native flightless bird the one and only Kiwi. 
2. In New Zealand we have a little west coast which has one of the worst bars (Were the boats come in) in NZ it is known for its famous ship wrecks in little old Grey Mouth here a look. (It's actually a known fact well by Grey Mouth at least I had to put a local one on there)

3. Last but not least Pavlova the war against us Kiwi's and the Aussies but from a quick google search I was informed that the Pavlova was indeed created by us! Go NZ! (Sorry Australia)  

Friday, 21 September 2018

Calendar Art WK9 T3

Calendar Art
This week we have been working on our Calendar art. What are we doing? Were doing Tapa Designs all the way from the [=p./[p Cook Islands. We had a few practices and the we started. After we finish drawing on our calendar art cards we go over them with Indian ink (Which is runny and drys really fast) Once its done we stain them with coffee or tea!
Have you ever done Tapa? Comment your answer.
Here's mine so far. Do you like it?   

Friday, 14 September 2018

Tye Dye T-Shirts Term 3 WK8

Tye Dye T-shirts
This week we have the Grey Main art soiree. Each person has to make a piece of art, my class did Tye dye T-shirts. Our teacher got us t-shirts and the dye. First we watched videos
on patterns and figured out what we wanted and then started 
with our dye. First we made our pattern and to secure it we used rubber bands and started with our dye. After we did that 
we put them in plastic bags to set for 8-12 hours and. VOLIA! Tye dye.What do you think? I think mine turned out pretty cool. But to be honest I found it difficult. 

Friday, 7 September 2018

ICT Kids Conference Digital Badge

For the past 2 days I have been at the ICT Kids Conference at Shantytown. We have been learning about VR, coding, robotics and heaps more. I have earnt my ICT Kids Conference Digital Badge. 

Friday, 31 August 2018

Chapter 14 Boy in the striped pyjamas T3 Week 6

Chapter 14
For our activity we had to make a diary entry for Bruno's Sister Gretel. We did a class brainstorm on what we could
include in the diary entry like How annoying Bruno is and Lieutenant Kotler of Gretel's dolls. We also had our comprehension questions. Here's my Work. 


Dear Diary

I was bored out of my sophisticated mind today so I went to go see my hopeless case of a brother Bruno. I went to go see what he was doing and I found something very interesting. He has an imaginary friend, called Shmuel what kind of a stupid name is that like seriously. Apparently they talk everyday about everything and anything. He’s so bored he’s gone MENTAL I’m telling you Insane. Oh well,  I’m not crazy which is a good thing. But I have to admit I do miss my friend back in Berlin but not that much to have imaginary friend. He’s delusional talking to his “imaginary” friend.

Other then that I’m crushing more than you can imagine. There’s a soldier called Lieutenant Kotler but I call him Kurt. When I look at him his hair looks nicer than yellow rose with glistening water falling down its petals. His eyes are are like the sea full of diamonds shining in a hot summer’s day. But I’m ALSO FURIOUS with our cook/waiter Pavel  spilt red wine all over my man and he made Kurt SO ANGRY. Me as well. I will never ever eat anything Pavel makes for us again if he’s okay though Kurt sort of did over react. But I don’t CARE.

Back to me well I’m the star aren’t I? I’m so bored here at Out-With all I can think to do is rearrange my dolls but I’m not like Mr. Hopeless case, I don’t talk to my dolls, I think. I play with them and dress them nothing else. I’m unhinged like Bruno I don’t talk to my dolls as if they were actually alive that’s how you tell someone’s crazy.

I better go
GoodBye for Now


Friday, 24 August 2018

Inquiry Questions on WW2 Week 5 Term 3

Inquiry Questions
For our topic this term which is WW2 we had to make 5 inquiry questions on the topic. Which can be about Concentration camps or camp (Auschwitz) or Adolf Hitler and questions like that and about WW2. 
I have chosen these 5..... 
  1. What to Jewish people celebrate?
  2. Why did Adolf Hitler Commit suicide?
  3. How many Concentration camps are there and how many people did they kill?
  4. What was Germany like then compared to now?
  5. Who started WWII 
We are starting to research our questions I will keep posting my findings!

Thursday, 16 August 2018

Basketball Digital Badge

This basketball season I represented Grey Main in the Yr 7/8 Competition. I have earnt my basketball digital badge made by Ruby B.

Blog Post Digital Badge

I have earnt my 10 Blog Posts Digital Badge

Friday, 10 August 2018

Boy in the striped pyjamas-Fake Facebook page

Fake Facebook
Since my class and I are reading the
boy in the striped Pyjamas we had 
to make a FAKE Facebook page on
a google drawing for one of the Characters.
We could choose one of the characters
from chapter 1-5 like
- Gretel 
Or Adolf Hitler

I choose to create a Fake Facebook page for Adolf Hitler Here is the big REVEAL

Wednesday, 1 August 2018

Boy in the Striped Pyjamas Chapter 4-5

Boy in the Striped Pyjamas
Here's my chapter 4-5 Work with the 
DLO for Chapter 4! 

Friday, 27 July 2018

Chapter 3 (Boy in the striped Pyjamas

Chapter 3
We have just finished 
reading Chapter 3 
(A hopeless case) this is my 
activity for this chapter. 

Thursday, 26 July 2018

Self Respect

Self Respect
This week in Whanau time we were assigned to make a presentation showing what we know about self respect and we had to put a couple of ideas on a drawing of what we think here's mine.

Wednesday, 25 July 2018

Boy in the Stripped Pyjamas

The Boy in the striped pyjamas.
On the first day back my class and I started a topic on world war 2.Part of the topic we have been separated into groups the Jewish children and the German Children and we have certain rules for certain groups (Im a Jewish Child some of our rules include, cleaning the classroom Just us jewish kids,No treats from the teacher,we can only sit on the ground etc.) Since this is our topic my class started reading the boy in striped pyjamas and we have done activities for each chapter we've read we have read 2 chapters, here's the activities. 

CHAPTER-1 (Bruno Makes a discovery) 

CHAPTER-2 (The new house) 

Tuesday, 26 June 2018

Friday, 22 June 2018

Road Patrol Digital Badge

I have earnt my Road Patrol Digital Badge!

Word Problems T2 WK7

Word Problems
This week instead of workbooks we have done subtraction word problems. I think there really easy to do but I enjoy doing them. I will put a Subtraction question and word problem down the  bottom for you guys to work out tell me in the comments.

Subtraction Word Problems

  1. Jim had 687 plants in his garden. The next door neighbour’s dog ate 288 of them. How many plants were left? 399
  2. Taylor had 1000 texts on his plan for the month and sent 782. How many did he have left? 218
  3. Samuel had a bag of lollies that had 643 lollies in it. He ate 296 of them. How many were left? 347
  4. Polly’s iPod holds 2000 songs. She has 1023 on hers. How many more songs could she purchase? 977
  5. Zak had 208 chocolates. He gave away 139. How many did he have left?  69
  6. Toby started the day with a goal to take 4000 steps during the day. By lunchtime he had take 685. How many more steps did he have to take to reach his goal? 3315
  7. Amanda cooked 431 pieces of toast on camp. 378 were eaten. How many were left over? 53
  8. Frank had to swim 990 lengths of the pool. On Monday he swam 54. How many did he have left to do? 936
  9. Tom had to write a 770 word essay. On his last count he had written 158 words. How many did he have left to write? 612
  10. Sally sent 56 text messages on Monday. She wanted to make it to 100. How many more did she have to send? 44

I have 56 Chocolate bars and my cousin Vanessa gives me 82 more. I eat 10 and give 34 away how many do I have left? Try it on paper and show your working out if possible.

Scary Descriptive Writing T2 Week 7

Scary Descriptive Writing 
For the last term we have worked
on descriptive writing language. 
This time is the last so were want 
finish with a bang  so we did a 
scary descriptive writing,
here you go hope you enjoy.

Image result for old creepy hospital hallway

Walking down the abandoned hallway of the old hospital a feel a slight breath on my neck a shiver runs down my spine making me anxious. I continue walking. I see a shadow move into one of the old rooms, all the doors have been open so there rusty when you shut them they creek closed. I follow the shadow speed walking then I speed up I’m not running my flash light is shining brighter than usual, it flickers on off and then it doesn't turn on again. The full moon guides me to the room the shadow went in, I walk into the room it’s empty there’s writing on the walls I can’t read then behind me the door screeches closed. I run over to it and start banging on the heavy door trying to heave it open “LET ME OUT PLEASE,” I scream Then my flashlight turns on  I read the wall aren’t you glad your still alive…?

Friday, 15 June 2018

ShantyTown Trip Week.6 T2

ShantyTown Trip
This week my class and I went to Shantytown for a class trip.We 
went to learn about the Chinese immigrants we learned so much and did heaps I personally had heaps of fun. I made a video using animoto to show you what we did here you go! 

Word problems WK7 T2

Word Problems
This week for maths instead of workbooks my group and I were given 10. word problems to do throughout the week 
I found them pretty easy to workout and I had fun doing
these I will put some at the bottom for you to work out! Enjoy!
Word Problems Wk 1
-make a copy and put into your Numeracy folder

  1. Totara 3 are raising money to go to Mistletoe Bay camp. So far they have raised $2457.50. It costs $4580, how much more do they need to raise?$2122.5
  2. It costs $550 for a class to go to Shantytown for a day trip. So far the class has raised $375, how much more do they need to raise? $175
  3. Samantha had $76.20 in her bank account, was given $50 for her birthday and then counted the money in her piggy bank which was $46.75. How much money did Samantha have altogether? $172.95
  4. Tim had $175, he went shopping and spent $68. How much money does Tim have left? $107
  5. At the orchard they got 5.5kgs of apples, 4.75kgs of pears and 1.7 kgs of apricots. How much fruit did they have altogether?11.95
  6. Larissa had $546 spending money that she had been saving throughout the year. Larissa went shopping at Riccarton Mall and spent $357, how much money does Larissa have left?$189
  7. Mr B planted 15 rows of lettuces, in each of the rows there were 8 lettuces. How many lettuces were there altogether? 120
  8. Totara 2 and 3 decided to grow strawberries. They planted 24 rows of strawberries and in each row there were 14 strawberry plants. How many strawberry plants were in the garden? 336
  9. Mr B had a bumper crop in the garden and got 14 kgs of potatoes, 6 kgs of apples and 12 kgs of lemons. How much did it all weigh together? 32kgs
  10. Suzy had $24.50 in her bank account, she then found $4.25 and was paid $35.40 for her paper run. How much money did she have altogether? $64.15
Can you figure this out? I have a 12 slice pizza I want to share it with 3 friends. How many can we have each?

Tuesday, 5 June 2018

Growing healthy bodies Term 2 Week 6

Growing Healthy Bodies!
The explanation of our favorite drinks and how much sugar is in them.
For our new topic this term we have decided to work on Growing Healthy bodies and looking after ourselves 
what's healthy eating and drinking and what's not. We had a visitor come into our class today and explain how much sugar is in our favorite drinks such as Lift, V, Coke, Sprite energy drinks I think you get the idea.

Sugars in some drinks
Coke - 64 gms 16tsp
Red Bull - 51 gms 12+
Sprite - 25 gms 6+
These are just some of the fizzy drinks we like and how much sugar the may contain. (Fact: Coke puts a chemical called Acidity Regulator in to hide the sweetness in there drink.)

We have also worked on healthy eating and what's good for us and bad for us we looked at what's in a chicken nugget (Fact: there's different parts of chicken in chicken nuggets, and then its processed and battered.) 
Here's my slide on unhealthy and healthy food (We had to pick a color and find unhealthy foods and healthy foods and put them on our sides.)

Wednesday, 23 May 2018

Week 4 Term 2 Descriptive Writing #3

Descriptive Writing
We have done more writing but this
time we used a video/short movie instead
of he picture and then we have to pick 
a character and a part in the movie.
Our WALT:create a piece of descriptive
writing from character’s perspective.
I choose the crows I recommend
watching the film
included on the slide.

Tuesday, 15 May 2018

Descriptive Writing 2 Term 2 Week 3

Descriptive Writing
This week we have been doing 
more writing using a different photo 
which was more challenging. I managed to
come,up with something to match the photo.

I'm waiting in line to go on one of the colorful lighten up rides but I can barely see it the sky is illuminating the colors of the ride. I’m hungry tummy rumbling louder that a tigers roar the scent of buttery popcorn filling my nostrils, that's all I can taste its making my mouth water. The line is moving closer the butterflies turning in my stomach the sensation making my scared. The creepy circus music whistling, through the air it’s haunting.

I’m about to go on the ride I’m going up the stairs running up, the stairs excited the butterflies are gone I’m excited now!

Wednesday, 9 May 2018

Numeracy Workbook WK2 T2

Numeracy Workbook
Last week my group were working on subtraction with borrowing this week our teacher has set us on 2 digit by 1 digit multiplication she gave us a workbook with questions to work on.

Monday, 7 May 2018

Descriptive Writing T2 WK2

Descriptive Writing
For the first week of term 2 
my class and I have been writing
descriptive pieces of writing using
a picture our teacher gave us.
 Here it is! 

Descriptive Writing.
It’s an early frosty morning of winter. Frost has settled overnight. The rising sun is illuminating the frost taken over what used to be the sports field of my school, where the soccer teams play there soccer game I usually watch. People standing next to me usually have coffee the smell  stings my icy nostrils like a bee stinging my face. The sun is rising and peeking through trees shining blinding my blue eyes the color of a clear blue lake shimmering through the day.

I walk across the field settled frost crunching under my numb feet it’s that cold. I stop in the middle and just look around me all the trees aren’t moving  like time has been frozen, still. I walk forward towards the soccer goal, its old, so there isn’t really a net anymore the spiders spin their webs over it the dew is like little crystals hanging from the glitter covered silk layered by a spider.

Thursday, 3 May 2018

Numeracy Workbook T2 WK1

This week we have started getting straight, into maths and we've started our activities were given workbooks online to complete them through the week, my group are working on Subtraction with borrowing (Easy).

Tuesday, 1 May 2018

Winn-Dixie Word Search WK1 T2

Winn-Dixie Word Search
For this week for reading we have been working on Novel study. We had to pick a book from our school Library and once we had started reading,and after we were given activities to start working on. I choose to start a Wordsearch.
Here's the link if your teacher would like to print for you to try.

(Make sure to check out the book Winn-Dixie)

Monday, 5 March 2018

Kensuke's Kingdom Timeline Chapter 8

Kensuke's Timeline
For this activity we read Chapter 8 which was Kensuke telling Michael his about his life about Kimi and Japan the war. We had to create a doc or drawing to explain Kensuke's life.

Tuesday, 27 February 2018

Kensuke's Kingdom MISSING Poster Week 5 T1

For this activity we had to make a Missing Poster of Michael Jones because he has fallen of the Peggy Sue and has fallen into the sea with his dog Stella Artois. We had to make sure we had everything the reader needs to know about him.

Thursday, 15 February 2018

Cinquain Poems Week 3 T1

Cinquain Poems
For my poetry we have been working on Cinquain poems.
For this poem every line is different click here to see how to write one yourself.Here are my 3 I hope you like them.