Wednesday 19 December 2018

SLJ (Week 1, Day 1 Act. 3) Ice, Ice Baby

Ice, Ice baby
Well this activity is a biggie 
for kids who are getting chrome
books next year! We have to
make a digital footprint using a template
on how to stay smart online! Here's mine.
(Following this can keep you out of trouble in the future) 


  1. Hey There Rikki-Lee
    What a wonderful name! Well done on completing a bonus task! You have done a great job. My name is Hasiba and I am from the Summer Learning Journey team! Our passwords are what protect our online profiles, well done for mentioning the importance of creating complex passwords.

    Creating a positive online experience for everyone is important! What are some ways we can leave a POSITIVE digital footprint? What does that look like in our posts and comments. The internet can be a scary place but we can make it an amazing learning platform by respecting each other.

  2. Kia Ora Rikki!

    It's Katelynn here!

    These are some very good tips for children going onto chromebooks next year. You have thought of awesome ideas and the children going onto the chromebooks should see this blog post. Maybe next time you could add maybe a picture of a chromebook or someone posting on there blog. I like the way you have bright colours included in your post it looks really cool and when you are looking at your blog this post really stands out.

    Did you have fun completing this activity for the SLJ?
    How long did it take you to complete this activity for the SLJ?



Thank-you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comment.