Thursday, 21 December 2017

Week 1 Day 3 Activity 2 (pepeha)

For this activity we have to do our visual Mihi's here's mine!
Ko Aoraki te maunga   
Ko Aparima te awa         
Ko Takitimu te waka
Ko None tōku tīpuna
Ko Takutai tōku iwi         
Ko Takitimu tōku hapu
Ko Takutai tōku marae
Ko Mahwera ahau
Ko Jess rāua ko Anthony ōku mātua Ko Rikki-Lee tōku ingoa.
Image result for Takitimu

1 comment:

  1. Kia ora Rikki-Lee,

    Welcome to the Summer Learning Journey for 2017-2018! Ko Emiely tōku ingoa (pronounced "Emily") and I will blogging with you this summer. I like the way you have added images to your pepeha like the image of the Takitimu waka which your ancestors used. It is beautifully presented - well done! Have you thought about recording a video of you saying you pepeha? It might be a fun extra thing for you to do! Would love to see it uploaded to your blog if you wanted to. :)

    It is fantastic to see you have been doing all the activities each day. Keep it up! Don't forget you can earn bonus points by commenting on other children's blogs and their work for the Summer Learning Journey.

    Noho ora mai,
    Emiely :)


Thank-you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comment.