Friday, 16 December 2016

End of year Reflection 2016

This year and term as been amazing! My favorite part was camp and there as been so many pieces of work that I have done the I'm proud of. 

I think my Olympic work is the best because it was a big event of this year and I have really enjoyed competing in the school Olympics and watching my cousin Holly Robinson. She even came to my school!  

Thank You guys some much for commenting on my blog throughout the year and a big thank you to my Teachers: 
Miss Panther, Mrs Costello, Mrs Clark, Mrs Prendergast, Ellie and Tinaka!

Sunday, 4 December 2016

30BC The Enchanted Charms

Title: The Enchanted Charms                              

Author: Geronimo Stilton (Elisabetta Dami) 

Genre: Adventure. 

Summary: Hello Dear Rodents so for my Seventh adventure to the Kingdom of Fantasy. Queen Blossom has sent me on a very dangerous mission to collect the Seven Charms. I have, meet amazing creatures along the way, such as Tessa. The Giant tortoise from the desert of eyes and ears. There were also problems for a very sad village. An Evil wizard Called "The Evil wizard of the Black pearl," he turned everything gray!  
After you read my amazing adventure you will find out if I do collect the charms or not! Good-bye friends.

Friday, 2 December 2016

Typing Quiz / KKN

Here are my results for this week!

I think I did pretty good! I think you can to.

Numeracy Reflection T4 W8

We have also have been doing Christmas tasks for numeracy and these tasks have been really fun. For my first task we were given some Christmas jokes and we had to find the answer to them by solving the maths questions! 

We have also been doing Christmas codes using pictures to create a message by using the pictures instead of letters. I really enjoyed doing this task is was really fun! 

Literacy Reflection T4 W8

This week we have being on Christmas related activities. One of the activities was 3 reasons why we should be on the Nice list.  I found this activity really fun. Here my task!  

Do you know the song 12 days of Christmas? 
Well I do and we had recreate it without coping any of the words. 
I found it difficult at the beginning but coming to the end I got the hang of it.   


Wednesday, 30 November 2016

30BC 300 Minutes danger.

Title: 300 Minutes Danger 
Image result for 300 minutes of danger

Author: Jack Heath. 

Genre: Horror, Adventure, action! 

Summary: There is 10 children in a dangerous situation and only 30 minutes to escape. Like Nassim he was poisoned by a man trying the Blood Crystal. 

Wait until you read all the other scary stories in this awesome book! 

(P.S It's not that scary.)

Friday, 25 November 2016

Numeracy Reflection WK7 T4

We have also been working on Christmas maths stuff as well like coordinates. We had to do a reindeer with colors using coordinates. Here is my completed drawing. 

For another task we had to work out multiplication,subtraction, addition and division. 

Literacy Reflection WK7 T4

Since it's getting close to our favorite holiday Christmas! We have been going some Christmas related tasks. For one of the tasks we had to write 3 reasons why we should be on Santa's nice list. Click for my writing!  

Sorry no reading this week!

Wednesday, 23 November 2016

30BC Cherry Blossom Adventure

Title: Cherry Blossom Adventure  

Author: Elisabetta Dami                   

Genre: Mystery  

Summary: The Thea Sisters have an amazing Adventure to JAPAN! The Japan Academy is were they will be staying. There guide is a girl called "Kumi." Kumi is a kind rodent. They go on an adventure to the very colorful Tokyo  to see her father. But the he was RATNAPPED! 
Find out what happens in the book! 

I recommend it for 8-12 years. 
I rate it 4/5

Monday, 21 November 2016

30BC Tom Gates Top of the Class.

Title:Top of the Class. (Top Gates.)               

Author: Liz Pichon  


Summary: This book is about a boy called Tom Gates and many other Characters. Tom has lost a drawing that he drew because of a bully called Buster he has names for all the teachers. Tom drew a picture of 
Mr. Fullerman AKA Mr. Fuller-bum. There are also lots of Crack up things in this book!   
I rate this 4/5.
I recommend this book for: 8-11 year! 

Friday, 18 November 2016

Kiwi kids new/ Typing test

Here are my results for typing test I did really well I think. How did you do? 

For my KKN Quiz I think I did a really job 
Here are my results.

Numeracy Reflection W6 T4

This week because of the Earthquake we made a Google map of natural disasters. Me and my buddy chose tornadoes international. 

Literacy Reflection T4 W6

This week because of the Earthquakes we have been working on a recount to tell the reader how we felt what happened. Our teacher gave us a challenge. We have use speech-marks correctly. 

This week we have been looking at why there are 7 days in a week we have also been looking at punctuation like: "Speech marks" Explanation marks! 

Thursday, 17 November 2016

Hollywood Hoax 30BC

Title: Thea Stilton and the Hollywood Hoax. 

Author: Elisabetta Dami           

Genre: Adventure Mystery. 

Summary: The Thea Sisters go on a trip to Hollywood because of one of Paulina's friends asked come over to... you guessed it HOLLYWOOD.  

I recommend this book for 
I rate it 4/5 

Friday, 11 November 2016

Literacy Week 5 Term 4

This week for writing we have been continuing with the topic Myths and Legends I have done 2 tasks this week. 
 I chose to write about a deer. 
Click here for my writing.   

For my second task I chose a Phoenix because they are very strong and powerful. 

Click here 

For Word Work I chose to do Backward words. What you have to is chose some of your spelling words and write them backwards. I found this quite challenging but I gave it a go! 

Monday, 7 November 2016

30Bc Rat-Burger

Title: Rat-Burger  

Author: David Walliams                                       

Genre: Adventure / Comedy 

Summary: This book is about a little girl called Zoe. Her dad "Used" to work at a ice cream factory until he was fired not he goes down to the pub. But another thing Zoe and upset about is her pet hamster Ginger-nut died. But there is more her gruesome, disgusting and ugly step mother Shelia. One day Zoe heard a munching sound and in the corner of her room there was a rat she called him Aritmage don't ask it's a long story. But one day she came home from school there was a man in here room called "Burt"  
HAND OVER THE RAT! Zoe refused "No." 

You will see what happens I rate this book 4/5.

Friday, 4 November 2016

Kiwi Kids Quiz Typing Test

Here are the results for my Typing test. If you ask me I think I did a great job! 

For Kiwi kids news quiz I got all the answers RIGHT! Yay.

Numeracy Reflection WK4 T4

This week we have been continuing with are problem solving it has been really fun I have really enjoyed working on problem solving. Here are some slide I am very proud of!  This week for problem solving I was working on using addition and multiplication to solve problems.  

Literacy Reflection WK4 T4

This week for writing we have been writing about Myths & Legends! For one of my tasks I had to draw my favorite mythical creature I drew an awesome Dragon.  I found this task very fun and my goal for next time is make the sentences longer and more descriptive.  We have also done compare and contrast. 

This week for reading we have been reading a book called 
"Class down the Congo." What we had to do was to find 4-5 words that we didn't know the meaning of. We have been using a website called Coggle!   

For word work I chose to do a super hero letter. We had to put our spelling words in a paragraph. I did my letter to Superman. 

Sunday, 23 October 2016

In Loving Memory

On the 22nd of October my Nana Tania Died so I made this for her. 

Friday, 21 October 2016

Typing Speed test And Kiwi Kids news

       This is my score for speeding speed test!!!! 

For my Kiwi kids news I got 80% 

Numeracy Reflection Week 2 T4

This week we have continued on our position and orientation slides we have completed most of the task here they are finished!!!!!   

Reading T4 Week 2

This week for Reading we have done a padlet on what you should do if you don't know a word or you don't know what it means. 

Writing Reflection T4 W1

This week for writing we have carried on with our explanations. This week did it on a special place to our family mine is "Hokitika"!   
Image result for hokitika beach