On your blog, tell us which campaign you have chosen to support and provide us with a slogan for that campaign.
I choose the Predator free Campaign.

On your blog, tell us what they think about Countdown’s decision to stop using plastic bags.
I asked my little brother Vadim he said "I think its great because it's helping to save our environment,"
Restricted Access On your blog, tell us what you think about the government’s decision to restrict the number of tourists able to visit this special site. Is it fair? Be sure to tell us why you feel the way that you do.
No I don't think it fair that only a certain amount of people are aloud to visit Machu Picchu a year anyone should be aloud to visit whenever to see the temple ruins! It's not fair anyone should be able to access it. So No it's not FAIR!
Hi Rikki!
ReplyDeleteWoah Day 4 done and dusted!! Wooohhooo!!
Activity One:
This looks like a pretty choice campaign slogan - I like that you have chosen the kiwi as your background image to match your slogan also!:)
I feel like the line: "Lets get New Zealand Preditor Free" sounds really inspirational and motivation too - Makes me feel like taking action which is prefect for a campain!
Great work Rikki! :)
Activity Two:
Thanks for sharing your brothers opinion Rikki, I think he is pretty on to it! :)
I know the other day someone was concerned about no longer having plastic bags for their bins now - I am sure there are ways around this though....
My mum hasn't been using plastic bags in her rubbish bin for a long time now, she just cleans her bin when she empties it. Can you think of another solution to this problem?
Do you still use plastic bags in your bin?
Activity Three:
Thank you for sharing your ideas around the restriction of access to Machu Picchu - I like that you have such a strong opinion about the issue! :)
I personally think that restricting the access is a great idea, as a tourist I think we have to respect the places and environments that we are entering to make sure they are preserved.
I have heard about other places that are also starting to shut down to preserve/restore environments - Is there anywhere you think needs to do this?
What about New Zealand, do you think we need to start restricting access to our environment?
Great work on another round of activities Rikki!
Nga mihi,
Ellee :)