Friday, 25 January 2019

SLJ (Week 3 Day 5 Activities)

Persistent Pollution
On your blog, share three new things that you learned about air pollution from this video.
1. I learn't that burning coal is hurting the environment I had no idea!
2. We are causing air pollution by burning coal Green house and making Global warming faster coming.
3. I also learn't what caused smog But air pollution and fuel by cars on high ways!

Changing Climates
On your blog, tell us about five things that you like to do when it is too rainy to go outside.
1. Me and my brother love to play bored games like Monopoly Beat the parents and some much more.
2. We like to get all the blanket in the house and make forts and stuff them with pillows!
3. Turn the TV on grab the remote lets watch a movie get popcorn and a friend!
4. We love to play truth or Dare! One of us always end up doing something crazy
5. Me a like to get cozy with a blanket and a book out and sit and read!
Let it rain
On your blog, write a short story about what happened when you opened the door and walked outside after the acid rain storm. To earn full points, you must write a story that is 8 – 10 sentences long.
I open the door.... nothings the same the grass is brown and there's now leaves on the dress anymore I can only hear one bird now there's holes in the roof and fences are falling the storm hit hard. All my town in destroyed Plants are deaf and house are ruined why here of all places couldn't it hit some where else I go to call my family to make sure there okay my mum's phones flat and all the power lines are destroyed along with our cars were stuck here. We can't walk to far the storm could hit again... Were. STRANDED.

1 comment:

  1. Kia ora Rikki-Lee,

    I can tell that you have paid close attention to the video about air pollution, well done! Pollution definitely has a negative impact on the environment. We need to be cautious of the amount of energy we are using and make the effort to try out new and more efficient sources of energy like solar power. Do you have anything in your house that uses solar energy? The old fashioned calculators have a solar panel to trap and use solar energy which I always thought was pretty awesome.

    I absolutely love the way you'd choose to spend rainy days, the activities you have listed all seem so exciting! Monopoly can go on and on but it's super duper fun! Who usually wins? I have a brother as well, we never used to get along well but now we do. Do you and your brother get along well? YES!! I totally agree, building forts are so incredibly fun! It looks really nice when you decorate your fort with fairy lights, too!

    You've included many details in your story which makes it seem so real, awesome work! I really enjoyed reading your story about the events that happened after the acid rain had stopped. It's horrible to hear that the acid rain has created such a big mess in your town but thankfully it didn't happen in real life. That's the beauty and adventure of creative writing, isn't it? You can take yourself and the people around you to the places and events that your imagination takes you to!

    Keep up the wonderful work,
    Evelyn :)


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