Tuesday, 19 December 2017

Day 2 Week 1 Activity 1 (wharepuni)

Wharepuni vs. My house
For this post we had to look at a Wharepuni and compare
2 simularities and 2 diffrences between the 2 so here is my post.
The diffrences between a Wharepuni and my house is that at the front there is no door like my house. In the front there's a post to keep it standing and a pole through the middle and at the back to keep the roof standing.
The simularities are
that the have a window at the front like most houses do to bring light to the maori can see.
They also have a fence to keep other people and animal coming in and taking there food resources.

Image result for wharepuni

1 comment:

  1. Kia ora Rikki-Lee,

    Great work finding some similarities and differences between your house and a wharepuni. I like the way you have chosen different colours and used paragraphs to organise your different ideas. This makes your writing organised and easy to follow. Well done!

    My house also has a big fence around it so that our dogs can't get out. I really like my house because I get my own separate bedroom, unlike the wharepuni. I'm a light sleeper so I don't think I'd sleep well with other people sleeping next to me! What do you think? Would you prefer to sleep in your own home or in a wharepuni?

    Keep up the great blogging!

    Noho ora mai,
    Emiely :)


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