Friday, 31 March 2017

WK9 Reflection

This week for Literacy we have been working on Anzac. Which I think is a great task because I have learned about other animals that went to war such as Canaries and Mules. I am finding this task fun to work on and it gets your brain working! You will learn more about them on my Animals war task. I am finding this task fun to work on and it gets your brain working! 
For Maths we have been working on Converting Decimals to fractions + Vice Versa. 
I found this task fun and a bit easy but still next week we are going to have bit of a challenge because its going to be a bit harder. I can't wait!
  This week is very exciting because its the Grey Main School Family Fiesta! There is going to Cupcakes and they are going to Judged some of them are Amazing. I am also performing for Kapa Haka I'm so Excited.