Sunday, 23 October 2016

In Loving Memory

On the 22nd of October my Nana Tania Died so I made this for her. 

Friday, 21 October 2016

Typing Speed test And Kiwi Kids news

       This is my score for speeding speed test!!!! 

For my Kiwi kids news I got 80% 

Numeracy Reflection Week 2 T4

This week we have continued on our position and orientation slides we have completed most of the task here they are finished!!!!!   

Reading T4 Week 2

This week for Reading we have done a padlet on what you should do if you don't know a word or you don't know what it means. 

Writing Reflection T4 W1

This week for writing we have carried on with our explanations. This week did it on a special place to our family mine is "Hokitika"!   
Image result for hokitika beach

Friday, 14 October 2016

Numeracy Reflection

This week we have been work on Position and Orientation it was hard at first but the you get a better understanding. I really enjoyed doing and I will for the next 3 weeks. 

Literacy Reflection Word Work

This week we have been catching up on word work and one of my activities was blue vowels. 
What you have to do? For this task you have to make all of the vowels Blue! Here is my task. 

Literacy Reflection


Welcome back to a fun filled term of writing! This week we have been writing Explanations on how things work I wrote about how day and night works if you want to read about it Click here!

Tuesday, 11 October 2016

Our Special Visit!

This week my school had a special visit from... my cousin 
Holly Robinson (Paralympic)! She talked about  what the Rio Experience was like she said 
"the people were awesome it was amazing!" she talked about her medal a cool fact about the medals is that the raddled for the blind paralympians. I was so happy that she came and it was so exciting!                                                          
She was also they flag barrier at the opening ceremony at the Rio Paralympic's!