Friday 22 June 2018

Word Problems T2 WK7

Word Problems
This week instead of workbooks we have done subtraction word problems. I think there really easy to do but I enjoy doing them. I will put a Subtraction question and word problem down the  bottom for you guys to work out tell me in the comments.

Subtraction Word Problems

  1. Jim had 687 plants in his garden. The next door neighbour’s dog ate 288 of them. How many plants were left? 399
  2. Taylor had 1000 texts on his plan for the month and sent 782. How many did he have left? 218
  3. Samuel had a bag of lollies that had 643 lollies in it. He ate 296 of them. How many were left? 347
  4. Polly’s iPod holds 2000 songs. She has 1023 on hers. How many more songs could she purchase? 977
  5. Zak had 208 chocolates. He gave away 139. How many did he have left?  69
  6. Toby started the day with a goal to take 4000 steps during the day. By lunchtime he had take 685. How many more steps did he have to take to reach his goal? 3315
  7. Amanda cooked 431 pieces of toast on camp. 378 were eaten. How many were left over? 53
  8. Frank had to swim 990 lengths of the pool. On Monday he swam 54. How many did he have left to do? 936
  9. Tom had to write a 770 word essay. On his last count he had written 158 words. How many did he have left to write? 612
  10. Sally sent 56 text messages on Monday. She wanted to make it to 100. How many more did she have to send? 44

I have 56 Chocolate bars and my cousin Vanessa gives me 82 more. I eat 10 and give 34 away how many do I have left? Try it on paper and show your working out if possible.

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